Sunday, May 4, 2014

Project wrapping up

It's interesting to view the project now that it all is wrapping up. It's no longer a looming fear in the distance, it's quite nearly an obstacle overcome. I'd be lying if I said there weren't nights when I thought we wouldn't finish it. I've had to pull quite a few all nighters working on this project, but it's unbelievable how much we've been able to accomplish in such a short time span. Sure, we only got one "simple" Android application done in 3 months time, but none of us even had Android experience going into this project. We jumped in head first, and I for one came out with a much better understanding of Android and how to use it.

Android wasn't what I was expecting. I will say that. It uses Java, but it definitely isn't Java. If you've used Java, it doesn't give you enough knowledge to just know Android, and may be quite confused going into it. However, I have started using a little bit of Java FX and it seems to use some of the Android paradigms. Since it Android is a very visual language (or perhaps I'm just taking advantage of a lot of the visual aspects) this relationship makes a lot of sense.

Being so close to the end makes me excited, and sad. Sad for the end of all the memories, excited for the prospect of moving on to new projects! Good luck to everyone working on their projects.

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