Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thoughts on Project Proposals

Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm here today talking about my thoughts on proposing and project and the whole process thereof.

So my project, WorldBand, was not chosen. I'd like to say I was relieved, but that was not quite my feelings on the matter. To be honest, I felt ambivalent. On one hand, I was relieved. My proposal, which felt like I made up information (like the timeline) that was not necessarily going to be accurate, was not going to be held accountable to me.

On the other hand, this project which I had put so much effort into was just going to be discarded, probably not to be picked up again. As much as I like the idea, I doubt I will have the opportunity or resources to work on a project like this again. As much as I am excited to work on my assigned project, I will always have personal feelings toward the project I came up with. And, in fact, I still feel like it was a good idea. I feel like a website done right in the vain that I came up with could be a top 50 website in the world.

C'est la vie. You will always be attached to your own projects, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't realize when there are better ideas. My project proposal was good, I think people understood my vision, and I got a decent amount of votes. In the end, I am not upset, because I think the project I'm working on is better for the scope of this class.

1 comment:

  1. your lack of feelings is the reason your cats hate you
