Sunday, February 9, 2014

My ideal project team

Here I am today, once again talking about the project proposal I have put fort, WorldBand. You can read that proposal here.

If I were to describe the perfect team for this project in three words, those words would be:
Knowledgeable, communicative, and inspired.

Knowledgeable because the work that I'm looking to do is going to be quite complicated. They don't necessarily need to know everything before the project starts, but they need to be able to learn fast and teach others.

Communicative because the whole team needs to work together to make a project work. Everyone needs to be communicating for the site to be made correctly. This does not mean that they need to be talking more than coding. Part of being communicative means knowing how to be concise and direct, making the process easier and less time consuming.

Inspired because you have to want to work on a project to work on it. Some inspiration will come from it being a requirement for the class, and therefore to graduate, but I'm hoping a lot more inspiration will come from actually wanting to complete the project to the best possible degree. With this kind of inspiration I know the team will work hard without anyone having to enforce it, they'll all enforce themselves.

Some other contenders were thorough and hard-working.

Thorough because the team should care about all aspects of the site and should not just be throwing the site together as quickly as possible. I did not choose this because if you're communicative and inspired they will definitely be thorough.

Hard-working is obvious, of course I want team members who are actually going to work on the project and not slack off. However, I didn't choose this word because if they are inspired, hopefully that will force them to be hard-working.

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