Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Project Timeline: 12 Weeks from Nothing to Changing the World

I'm here today talking about my project timeline. This is referring to the concept that I wrote about in my last couple of posts, check those out if you're interested. I'm going to be writing up the week by week timeline to start and finishing with a graphic with the most important milestones linked (the graphic will be posted tomorrow).

Because of the nature of this project (it's being done for a class) we have a set amount of time to get it all done. In this case, that time frame is 12 weeks. We go from just forming a group and learning the project to a fully fleshed out site in 3 months, so we need to have a decided budget of time so we can know if we're on track or if we get behind. This is important because if the project isn't finished by the end we have no more time to work on it, and our whole project is ruined.

Some things we are going to need to keep in mind for the project are the following:

Client meetings: Each week we, as a group, will have to meet with the clients for a half hour to talk about progress and changing demands.

Requirements: The site will have certain requirements that we have to meet, ideally we will have most of them done before the end and will not have to depend on finishing them in the last week. Also, these demands may be changing based on the client meetings and experience of the programmers with the project.

Modeling: We will need to get the site modeled before coding as to have a blueprint before working on it blindly.

Development: Obviously a lot of time will have to go to development of the site, coding and design, etc.

Release schedule: Will the site have early versions without all functionality ready for testing? If so this needs to be scheduled out

Testing: Time will need to be budgeted to test the site for bugs and design problems.

Deployment and Delivery: Mark times when the site will be delivered. This will have to be before the end of the twelve weeks, but will it be early?

Documentation: Time will have to be budgeted to document the process of our work on the site.

Marketing: The site will fail with no users. We need to market this to the right demographic and this will take time and energy, which needs to be budgeted.

For each week, I will budget 75 hours of time based on the assumption of 5 members of the group. This means the weekly half hour meeting will take 2.5 man hours as it is .5 hours for 5 people. (However, I will be budgeting 5 hours for these because even if the meeting only takes a half hour it is likely the group will end up discussing for longer)

Week 1:

Introductions and learning each other's skill sets: 5 hours
Weekly client meeting - 5 hours
Concept and Basic Design: 20 hours
Basic skills acquisition (understanding AWS, learning HTML5, figuring out what algorithms, including Fourier transformation, are necessary, etc.): 40 hours
Setting up server: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
Finish initial design blueprint for the site
Make final decision of framework and skills needed for site
Set up the AWS server

Week 2:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Design development, including planning out features very fully, and modeling site: 30 hours
Code development and documentation: 40 hours
          Basic framework for site in html5: 25 hours
          Back end and AWS: 15 hours

Goals for end of week:
Finish framework of site (not functional, but a bare bones of what we want it to look like)

Week 3: 

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Sound file manipulation design, how we're going to save files and attach headers: 45 hours
Algorithm implementation: 20 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
Have a better idea of how we're going to save sound files and how the algorithm will work

Week 4:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Sound file implementation programming and documentation: 50 hours
Algorithm implementation: 20 hours

Goals for end of week:
Have significant code for the implementation of recording or converting sound files to be compatible with site

Week 5:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Sound file implementation programming and documentation: 50 hours
Figure out how to manipulate lengths of files to change beat of songs uploaded: 20 hours

Goals for end of week:
Finish up the code for sound file manipulation, ready for implementation in week 6

Week 6:
Halfway mark

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Implementation of sound code onto website: 25 hours
Working with site and AWS to make sure clients can upload files: 40 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
Working prototype released
Will be able to upload files through the site
Will be able to manipulate files through site
Will be able to mash sound files through site

Week 7:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Front end touching up, making UI nicer: 35 hours
Back end reinforcing, bug fixing, making more robust: 30 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
Website looks good, performs well

Week 8:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Bug testing, content creation and bug fixing: 50 hours
Marketing, and seeing market response: 15 hours
 Documentation: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
Get a market response
Measure market response (positive/negative and why)

Week 9:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Adding new features based on market response: 50 hours
Continuing marketing: 15 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
New features implemented

Week 10:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Finishing new feature implementation: 35 hours
Testing and bug fixing: 30 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Goals for end of week:
Version 1 released
Full version with all features wanted
Should be relatively bug free
Go live with site to public

Week 11: 

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Bug fixing from new release: 20 hours
Testing public response: 30 hours
Any additional features requested by client or users: 15 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Attempt to handle the amount of users on site
Fix any user problems in a timely manner

Week 12:

Weekly client meeting: 5 hours
Touch up front end: 20 hours
Finish all back end and server code to make sure users have no problems: 30 hours
Testing and bug fixing: 15 hours
Documentation: 5 hours

Final version released

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