Monday, January 27, 2014

Concept paragraph: Additional thoughts

There were a few things I was not very specific about in my previous post, and I'm here to address them today. For those interested in what I'm talking about, refer to my most previous post on here for more details.

While I do not want to change the idea of the site, I would like to specify a few things that I did not go into detail on. First, what platform will be used? Honestly, I don't have a lot of experience with a website like this. My initial thoughts are that I want to use HTML5 for the front end and app side of it. We can use AWS for storage of material so it can be accessed from anywhere. HTML5 is really slick and robust, and I think it will be good for what we are doing.
As far as funding goes, we will need some. Servers cost money, so the site will obviously take some funding beyond the programmers compensation. However, this is going to be a variable cost, based on the amount of traffic to the site. Initially, if we are using AWS and we are students, we will likely be able to get away without paying while we are still working on the site. Eventually, once we have a project ready to show, investors will hopefully chip in to get it up and running. Once we are established and have reached an acceptable user base, we can begin putting ads on the site. Also, the music created on the site will eventually be able to be downloaded for a small fee, which a percentage of will go to the site for every transaction. A percentage will also go to each artist who contributed to the song. This makes it so artists are incentivized to create more music and are more likely to want to use the platform for making their music.
These again, are initial ideas, but I felt it was important to go over some of this stuff before I continued with the project.

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